Awaken to Life

This hymn text presents the Lord as the great awakener, the One who speaks or sings over us and all of creation, giving life and strength. The suggested hymn tune is LYONS (O Worship the King).


"Awaken to life," the Maker proclaimed
And sang into being all things that were made;
The heavens, the earth, and the souls of mankind,
Sprang forth from the beauty of God's perfect mind.

"Awaken yourself," the tempter declared,
With cunning and malice our forebears ensnared.
The knowledge and power they gained on that day
Brought only destruction, despair, and decay.

"Awaken, my child," the Savior cried out,
Asserting His rule over death with a shout.
"Your debt has been paid, and your pardon is won,
Through my life and death your redemption's begun."

"Awaken anew," the Maker will say,
Restoring creation on that glorious day.
Its groaning will cease as its wrongs are made right
And we are received into endless delight.


By David L. Ward
© 2015 Hymnicity
CCLI Song #7131571