The Spirit’s role in our redemption is vital but often overlooked for the saint who has walked with God for many years. This can be seen in part by the lack of good hymns on the person and work of the Spirit. This hymn was found in “Hymns Ancient and Modern,” the hymn-book of the Anglican church in the 19th century, and is a gem well worth dusting off with a modern arrangement. The song is really one resounding cry – “come down, Holy Spirit!” We need His ministry to cherish the gospel, to make our passions burn for Jesus, to reveal our sin and lead us to repentance, and move us to do acts of mercy and justice in Jesus’ name. Many hymns on the Holy Spirit are set to calm, peaceful tunes, but for this arrangement we took a different approach. There’s something about the blues that carries a certain sense of struggle and warfare, and we humbly offer this mood for this text in the hopes that it will help some of us sing with earnest and triumph, asking … begging, for the ministry of the Spirit in our midst.
LyricsVerse 1:
Come down, O Love Divine
And seek this soul of mine,
Come make Your glory shine around;
O Breath of God, draw near,
Within my heart appear,
Come sing the gospel's fearless sound.
Come down, O Comforter, come down
And capture us for Christ's renown.
Come spread Your light around;
Come down, O Lord, come down.
Verse 2:
Oh, let Your fire burn
Until our passions turn
And Jesus' name we yearn to praise.
Carve out the stony part
Of our deceitful hearts,
Your mercy then impart by grace.
Verse 3:
Let love and charity
Be mine for all to see
That springs from mercy I have found;
Let lowliness begin
To mark my heart within
And sorrow for my sin abound.
Words by Bianco of Siena (d. 1434) [tr. Richard Littledale] and David Ward. Music by David L. Ward.
© 2010 HymnicityCCLI Song #7006048
Come down, O Love Divine
And seek this soul of mine,
Come make Your glory shine around;
O Breath of God, draw near,
Within my heart appear,
Come sing the gospel's fearless sound.
Come down, O Comforter, come down
And capture us for Christ's renown.
Come spread Your light around;
Come down, O Lord, come down.
Verse 2:
Oh, let Your fire burn
Until our passions turn
And Jesus' name we yearn to praise.
Carve out the stony part
Of our deceitful hearts,
Your mercy then impart by grace.
Verse 3:
Let love and charity
Be mine for all to see
That springs from mercy I have found;
Let lowliness begin
To mark my heart within
And sorrow for my sin abound.
© 2010 Hymnicity