This is the “original” Reformed Praise song as it was the first hymn set to modern music by RP founder David Ward. It is a powerful hymn about the greatness of God’s character – both His sovereignty and majesty. In the first verse, we sing of the fact that God’s throne is everlasting and above all nations. As we sing the second verse we envision the heavenly host crying Holy, Holy, Holy for evermore. The song then draws our attention to the triune character of God – Father, Son, Holy Spirit. We can imagine that in heaven our singing will be something like the chorus – extolling our creator for his holiness and omnipresence.
A few interesting links:
William Williams and Welsh Calvinistic Methodism (article quotes the song)
A traditional tune at CyberHymnal
LyricsVerse 1:
We praise, we worship Thee, O God,
Thy sovereign power we sound abroad:
All nations bow before Thy throne,
And Thee the eternal Father own.
O Holy, Holy, Holy Lord!
Thou God of hosts, by all adored;
Earth and the heavens are full of Thee,
Thy light, Thy power, Thy majesty.
Verse 2:
Loud hallelujahs to Thy name
Angels and seraphim proclaim:
The heavens and all the powers on high
With rapture constantly do cry...
Verse 3:
Glory to Thee, O God most high!
Father, we praise Thy majesty,
The Son, the Spirit, we adore:
One Godhead, blest for evermore.
Words by Josiah Conder (1789-1855). Music by David L. Ward.
©1999 HymnicityCCLI Song #4242811
We praise, we worship Thee, O God,
Thy sovereign power we sound abroad:
All nations bow before Thy throne,
And Thee the eternal Father own.
O Holy, Holy, Holy Lord!
Thou God of hosts, by all adored;
Earth and the heavens are full of Thee,
Thy light, Thy power, Thy majesty.
Verse 2:
Loud hallelujahs to Thy name
Angels and seraphim proclaim:
The heavens and all the powers on high
With rapture constantly do cry...
Verse 3:
Glory to Thee, O God most high!
Father, we praise Thy majesty,
The Son, the Spirit, we adore:
One Godhead, blest for evermore.
©1999 Hymnicity