Simple Gift

The tune for this hymn – “Sipmle Gifts” – dates back to the mid-1800s and was made popular by Aaron Copland in his masterpiece “Appalachian Spring.” While the song could not properly be called a “hymn,” (becaue of the lack of clear reference to or about God) Sydney Carter wrote a well-known hymn text “Lord of the Dance” in 1963. This setting was born as we reflected on the ultimate gift of Jesus Christ in the gospel: the gift which is simple enough for a child to understand yet profound enough to capture Angels’ wonder for eternity. We sought to capture many of the original sentiments but wed to specific biblical and gospel truths.


Verse 1:
'Tis a gift to be known and 'tis a gift to be loved,
'Tis a gift to have the spirit from above,
And when we are in Jesus all will be just right
For he loves us and we are his delight.
Hear now the Father's simple gift:
He sent His son to our very midst;
We turn, turn to him and are free
And he's making us what we ought to be.

Verse 2:
Tis a gift to be humble, tis a gift to be low,
Tis a gift to follow where we ought to go.
Our savior led the way into humility-
Into child-like love and simplicity.
Hear now the Father's simple gift:
He sent His son to our very midst;
We turn, turn to him and are free
And he's making us what we ought to be.

Verse 3:
Tis a gift to be guided, tis a gift to be led,
To be turned from evil, enemies, and death,
And when we start to doubt or when we feel ashamed
He will come for us and will call our name.
Hear now the Father's simple gift:
He sent His son to our very midst;
We turn, turn to him and are free
And he's making us what we ought to be.


Text: David L. Ward © 2024 Hymnicity
Tune: Simple Gifts, traditional Shaker song
CCLI Song #7239836