The best modern songs, whether they be for worship or part of pop culture, tell a story. The story at the heart of Christian worship is the gospel of Jesus and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 2:2). There Is No Greater Portrait is the first collaboration between songwriters Eric Schumacher and David Ward and reflects on the gospel story in a way that helps move us to thanksgiving and awe. In the first verse, we sing that remembering the sufferings of Jesus should move us to sorrow because it was our sins that caused Him to suffer so dearly. We then reflect on Jesus’ ministry and final days and how they culminated in His great act of obedience and love to His heavenly Father when He gave up His life on the cross. On the cross Jesus was displayed for all the world to see, only He was not worshiped as He deserved, but rather mocked and scorned by both His own people, the Jews, and the Romans. After pondering all of these things, we ask the Holy Spirit to be our salvation and apply these things to our hearts so that we can love Jesus more and more.
LyricsVerse 1:
There is no greater portrait
Of love and sacrifice
Than Jesus leaving glory
And laying down His life.
When I look on the sufferings
My Savior chose to bear,
It fills my heart with sorrow
To think I put Him there.
Verse 2:
He ran the race before Him
Though it was filled with pain,
And walked the road to glory
In agony and shame.
Then for the joy before Him,
He chose to bear the cross,
Pursued His Father’s pleasure
And counted all else loss.
Verse 3:
The Son of Man was lifted
Before creation’s eyes;
Was mocked and scorned by soldiers,
By kings and priests despised.
But now the Son is risen,
Ascended to the skies.
By angels He is worshipped;
By nations glorified.
Verse 4:
O Savior, let this sinner
Be ransomed by the flood
Of mercy and forgiveness
Abundant in Your blood.
O Lord, be my salvation,
Your Holy Spirit send
To change my heart and cause me
To love You to the end.
Words and Music by Eric Schumacher & David L. Ward
© 2006 Hope Publishing Company, Carol Stream, IL 60188. All rights reserved. Used by permissionCCLI Song #4726715
There is no greater portrait
Of love and sacrifice
Than Jesus leaving glory
And laying down His life.
When I look on the sufferings
My Savior chose to bear,
It fills my heart with sorrow
To think I put Him there.
Verse 2:
He ran the race before Him
Though it was filled with pain,
And walked the road to glory
In agony and shame.
Then for the joy before Him,
He chose to bear the cross,
Pursued His Father’s pleasure
And counted all else loss.
Verse 3:
The Son of Man was lifted
Before creation’s eyes;
Was mocked and scorned by soldiers,
By kings and priests despised.
But now the Son is risen,
Ascended to the skies.
By angels He is worshipped;
By nations glorified.
Verse 4:
O Savior, let this sinner
Be ransomed by the flood
Of mercy and forgiveness
Abundant in Your blood.
O Lord, be my salvation,
Your Holy Spirit send
To change my heart and cause me
To love You to the end.
© 2006 Hope Publishing Company, Carol Stream, IL 60188. All rights reserved. Used by permission